Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Effects Of Colors

The Effects Of Colors

Suppose we have two rooms in one apartment. The two rooms are identical in size, but we paint the walls in two different colors: dark yellow in the first room and light blue in the other. The room painted in light blue will visually seem larger than the one painted in dark yellow that will seem a bit claustrophobic. In other words, colors play tricks on your vision and mind.
We often underestimate the importance of color in our life, thus we make serious mistakes that affect us visually and mentally. Imagine what it would be like living in a house that was painted black? You can't live in a house with black painted walls and tell your grandchildren stories! It is one or the other.
Of course, that was an exaggerated example but this is serious. Every color has certain significance. Red-passion, envy ,blue-peace, tranquility, space; white-freedom, purity ; orange and yellow-pleasure ,happiness, a state of comfort and radiance; pink-love, romance; and so on.
We can play around with these significations and use them to create pleasant spaces in our homes that will truly make them a place where we can retreat after a long day and feel like kings and queens in the space we shaped to our own liking.
Here's a curious fact: the color white is the symbol of weddings in our culture, while in Chinese culture, white is worn at funerals. It is possible that they have a different perspective upon death than we do.
In addition, colors influence sunlight and heat. While black attracts sunlight and heat, white and other light colors reflect it. That's why it is indicated that we wear light-colored clothing during summertime.
Moreover, have you noticed the way insects are drawn to you when you wear light green and orange? It is funny how such a simple notion as color has so many consequences on our natural world.
Imagine not being able to distinguish colors or have strictly black and white vision. Not so cool, huh? Our lives would be terribly dull without color. Certain expressions that people use to declare their love for another person contain the word 'color': 'You bring color into my life '. Does it sounds familiar? Well, it is possible that you would more likely hear that expression in a soap opera than in real life, but still, the expression exists.
Usually when we tell someone we love them, we use the most significant words we can find. Therefore, you have a glimpse now about how important colors are.
We often deliberately manipulate our state of spirit using colors. These influence us in a positive way and help us in our day-to-day activity.
The cosmic symbolism is found associated with numerous deities in different cultures. Many of the North-American Indians associate a certain 'sacred color' to every cosmic sector. There are 6 cosmic sectors. Close to the ground we have white that makes that symbolizes dawn; on top of white we have blue which symbolizes the coming of morning. On top of blue we have yellow that symbolizes sundown and on top is black-the night.
The Amerindian conceptions of colors: yellow=north, blue=west, red=south, white=east, zenith=multicolor, black=the earth.
The Mayas used these conceptions, too, but made some switches. They also had 4 colors that symbolized the 4 cardinal points that dominated the earth and inspired feelings to man.
The Aztecs, as most of the Amerindians, use the same word for all the shades of green and blue. The symbolism of blue or green stones is tied to the solar reign, fertility, promises and rebirth.
Colors have remarkable effects on humans and they modify our natural habitat. Imagine switching colors in the natural world.

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